Starlight soul code alignment sessions
Madeleine is now offering new one to one Starlight soul code alignment sessions, which facilitate even deeper soul healing and remembering and reclaiming our star lineages and heritage. Using light language, sacred sound and individually specific guided journeys, Madeleine can realign you to your soul purpose and mission as to why you have incarnated on earth at this time. This releases blocks, feelings of separation and disconnection to source and co-creates a great sense of peace and fulfilment. This is the most beautifully powerful work that Madeleine has been waiting to share, coming to fruition now after much visioning and manifesting of the work to assist with the new dawn of ascension. Sessions are usually 1- 1.5 hours and the fee investment is £65. Please contact Madeleine for more information and to book your appointment which can be through Skype or at Madeleine's home.
Events 2020 Check courses page for more information
New! Aug 1st/2nd UK Painted Horse nr Glastonbury Animal communication and soul healing level 1&2 Contact Madeleine for more details
August Netherlands Book Launch!! Gateways and AC courses- sadly postponed
SEPTEMBER BREMEN GERMANY Animal Communication and soul healing. Gateways to the Ancients. Bremen Germany 29th August-2nd September
More courses and talks/sound baths planned for 2020 details to follow shortly!
For more information or to book your places on the courses please contact Madeleine.
Exciting News
New! Available now. new 'Lyran Lion Light Code Transmissions' CD
Available now!, my new Guided meditation CD "SOURCE meditations for personal and planetary healing". Music composed by Joseph Buckler of YAK music studios Wellington Somerset. There are 4 beautiful tracks for profound healing. I'm so excited to finally be able to share these with you! Just email me for more information
The Whale Whisperer will be released in German in March and a Dutch version of Unity will be launched in June!
Also available now!, my book Unity.....The Power of the Animal Kingdom to Guide You Home published by Evolution of Self Publishers and Guardians of Gaia, Earth Keeper Whale and Dragon Oracle Cards.
Take a look at the Books and CDs page and visit my shop.
Unity Presentation
Enlightened Conversations
Cosmic Truth
The Flow of Love (part 1)
The Flow of Love (part 2)